Tuesday, May 4, 2010


People make commitments. Whether your 2, 10, 40 or 90 you make commitments. I make commitments. Whether it is to walk the dog in the morning when I really feel like sleeping until dinner. Or cleaning the entire room top to bottom even though Sam and I share it. Or maybe its updating your blog weekly, if not daily. Commitments are not something to be broken. But as humans, we are the stupidest living creature on the planet. Therefore, we don't live up to commitments.
I apologize that it has been over a month since i last posted anything, but as a human, I have an excuse. On my computer, I couldn't get to my blog. I would type in the address and it would come up on fast browser search. it was very frustrating. On top of that, we have been packing to go home. very frustrating. I am running out of real excuses. So please enjoy these "fake" ones.
Sometimes there is no warning. Nothing at all. I hit a good gust of wind and I pick up speed. The kayak was a part of me. We were flying through the water. The ends of the paddle barely made a sound as they sliced the water like the cold blade of a knife. The wind gets very strong and shifts directions. I have no choice to turn with it. I realize the wind means to kill me, as I see it is bringing me to the center of the canal, where the big boats are. I tried to turn, tried to fight the wind. But when mother nature is angry, all I could do is pray. So pray I did as the speedy boat crashed towards me. it was going to hit the kayak head on. Why did the kayak have to be dark blue? Why did the driver not see me? What did I do wrong!?!?! I through my hands up. Any moment the boat would crush me. A bolt of lightning hit me. I was INVISIBLE. Brainstorm. I chucked the paddle at the boat and it hit. The driver saw me. But it was to late. He through back the throttle and tried to reverse, but there wasn't enough time. the bow of the boat hit the tip of the kayak releasing an shattering crunch. The front of the kayak splintered to pieces before my eyes. The wait of the boat of the front of the kayak lifted the back end up high, along with me. I tried to jump out, before the sucking water swallowed me bellow the boat. I jump to the water but I was held captive by the seat strap. it caught my shirt at the neck. The kayak was sinking under the boat as i struggled to free myself. The driver tried to remove the key from the ignition but the impact had injured his leg and he couldn't get up. he lay sprawled out on the bow of the boat crawling towards the key. I struggled to loosen the grip of the strap but it strangled me. Just then as i took my last breath and went under the boat with the kayak, I glimpsed something I was afraid to see. A fin. A gray fin. A gray shark fin. Now I am shark bait. Great. The shark circled the scene as I fought my way to the surface for air. i was still caught. The shark came towards me and I realized it wasn't a shark, but a dolphin. It came to me and bit me free of the seat strap. i grabbed onto its fin and it pulled me to the surface. I gulped in mouthfuls of air. the dolphin carried me to an abandoned island. where I sat for a month eating fish and coconuts. Sea patrol found me yesterday and brought me home. And the island didn't have a computer. So that's why i haven't posted in forever.