Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Make the Best of Life

Life sucks. But you have to make the best of it. When lemons the size of grapefruits fall out of the sky and leave dents in your car, you don't jump up and down cussing and swearing, you make lemonade. When you open the cupboard and realize there's no sugar to make the lemonade, you don't get all worked up because it's a ten dollar bill to go down to Sweet bay, get the sugar and let "Ol' Rosie" slurp up as much expensive gas as she can. You just go next door and ask for 5 cups of sugar. When your next door neighbor is very rude and replies, "why don't you go make some!" and slams the door in your face, you don't egg their house. You just make a note not to send them a Christmas card. When you get the sugar from the good next door neighbor and make the lemonade, it is sweet. When you spill the entire jug of lemonade all over your brand new shorts, don't throw stools and chairs. Just wait until the next Wednesday when all the thrift stores are half of and pick up a new pair. There are solutions for everything. Make the best of life.
Making the best of life when you are me is not the easiest accomplishment. When it gets dark out at 7:30 down in the great of old state of Florida, and the dog doesn't hold it you have a situation. Not because your afraid of the dark, but because a dog in the RV Park got attacked by a rabid raccoon. Oh Joy. If we were up in the big old country were we live on 42 acres of New York, i would be able to carry Marlin, my good .22 and put a bullet through its skull. But down here you have to have a licence to carry a gun. we found steaming in the middle of the Living room when we got up in the morning. Conclusion: Dogs have small bladders.
Which characteristics you inherit isn't up to you. Whether you are more like your mother or your father when it comes to dangerous situations, only God can decide. When you run into a giant gator basking in the sun next to a "DO NOT FEED OR HARASS THE ALLIGATORS!" you never know if you will be hiding behind a tree with your mom, or finding a stick with your dad. We didn't go that extreme but we did get pretty close to the gator. Close enough for dad to look tall and intimidating to the thing and for it to dive off the bank and swim in circles gashing its jaws. Conclusion: Gators are inpatient.
When you are 10 minutes late coming home from a friend's house after being stressed how important it is to be home at the dot, you have to accept the consequences. It has been a rebellious winter for me and Sam. Dad has had enough of it and drew the line. I accept the punishment and understand fully. I have been disobedient, disrespectful to my parents and intolerant of my sister. If we are not close to angels by the time we get home to NY, its " bye, bye horses" as dad says. But when news like this comes a long, you don't break out in tears and beg for a different punishment. You own it. You do everything in your power to get him back. And i am determined to. Conclusion: Make the best of life.
Extension: this is my attempt at humor. Florida isn't really that bad. Ican see some of you sticking up your noses and thinking " what a selfish brat, she gets to do this stuff and then complains" but truthfully Florida is awsome, the weather has started to warm up, we rented acouple of kyaks and explored the canal. We went to Busch Gardens yesterday. So life is awsome.

1 comment:

  1. you make it seem like florida is so ba. hey you need to add me on faceboook syd
