Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Trip

For Christmas every year we go to 2 places. The Sunday before Christmas we go to my mom's brother's house. Which, yes is the house of "pretty boy" (check out post My Cuz) who, if you were unfortunate enough to read the post, gave you all those side effects. Here are some pics of what goes on over there:

This is My Cuz.

This is me trying to beat my record of speed stacks, (currently 63.98 seconds which is an achievement to pat myself on the back for, considering i have no coordination whatsoever)

Man, Andrew, CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!!!!

That's my other cuz, in the background. Quinn. Now forgive me if i am not 100% accurate, I think he's 7 years old.

Okay, I am warning you, This picture is about 100000000 times more scary than the one of My Cuz, and sadly, it is a picture of me.
Alright, prepare yourself for the most embarrassing picture of me that will ever go out on the Internet ever again,
"Sumo Babe"

Merry Christmas All!!!!!!!

And a haaaapppppyyyy neeeewwwww YEARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DA DA DOM.

Ta Ta for now, Syd

Monday, December 14, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

16 days until Christmas, and in this house, the anticipation is building. I asked Ma and Dad if we could have Duck Ala Orange. they said if I helped make it, i could have it. So I get to cook duck!! yea!! I'm excited. I love cooking. There are 2 presents under the tree that were sent in the mail from Wally World. the chimp and I got to wrap them. We are out of scotch tape, so we used medical tape. Very pretty. I just finished watching Julie & Julia the movie. It was really good.
Well gtg

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Cuz

My family and I went to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving. while there, I took of my brand new hat. When we got home, we had a message on our answering machine from my uncle. He asked "Is Syd missing something?" I didn't remember leaving anything there. We called him back and he told my to look at my email. " A picture is worth a thousand words" was the last thing he said before he hung up, and man, was he right


-immiediete vomitting

-eye damage

-brain damage


Ta ta for now! Syd

Christmas Comes to The Rayder Household

Here are some pics of our "Christmas-ized" house.

Of course, we have the Christmas Tree

Next, we have the Nativity that lives under the Tree.
Now, because I can read minds, I know you all will ask, "Where do you put your presents?" And the answer is on the side of the Tree.

And What's Christmas without a Reindeer?

That is all!!! Syd