Friday, February 19, 2010

Thrift Stores

I promised an update on the situation. Nana died Wednesday night. So we are coming home not tomorrow but next Saturday. The funeral is on Sunday at 2:00. Our plane lands in Albany at 11:00 on Saturday morning. So we will have time to get unpacked and go up to the house and get all our dresses. Sunday morning I have to make it to Sunday school whether I hitch a ride with a murderer. We will stay for the monthly luncheon that just so happens to be that week. The church holds an "Anniversery/Birthday Celebration" otherwise known as ABC Sunday. We will eat lunch and then head the few miles down the road to the funeral home. We will stay 2:00-4:00 for veiwing hours, then the family will go out to eat. We will return at 6:00 for the later viewing hours. No idea what's happening the rest of the week. We are leaving Wednesday afternoon.
Now back to living the good life down here in Florida. You have to know the whole story in order to undersand the reason my father and I made a 911 Thrift Store Run. Up in NY, the thrift stores ar OK. But down here, it's another story. Name brand clothing that you would find at JC Penny's for $50 you would find for $2 at the Salvation Army. My dad got a $6 dollar suite for the funeral at the thrift store. On Wednesdays, though, every thrift store is 1/2 price. On our screen porch we have a couch that was $80 and it was a Wednesday. So every Wednesday all the ladies of the park go out together and "thrift". So tonight at "happy hour" which isn't like drinking hour but conversation hour, Moorag, a fellow thrifter comes over to me and asks me what size I was in a burkenstock. I am a 36. She said that there were a brand new pair of burkentstocks size 36. Yesterday she hid a pair on the baby shoes rack for mom. She told us they were in the same hiding spot. So through the campsites we run hop in the car and drive down to the thrift store. We look at the shoe rack and find a pair. But they were 41's. We grabbed them and dissapointed went to check out when we remembered they were on the kid's shoes rack.We went back and sure enough, there they were. So today I got a $150 pair of shoes for $3.

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