Friday, June 4, 2010

Push on Through

Okay, yes I know I haven't posted in a month but a lot of stuff has been going on. let me catch you up.
When we got home from Florida, alot of stuff needed to be done as you can understand considering 4 months of dead flies turned our floors practically black. EWWW. So there wasn't much of anything done that week except clean, clean, clean. Week 2 was a lot more packed. every day of the week we were gone. People to see, places to go. We visited family, friends, the horses. And more cleaning. Week 3 gets more exciting and detailed. Mom and Dad have been sleeping on a full bed for the past 12 years. And my Grandmother slept on it for 20 years. So Mom and Dad decided they needed a new bed. They went to the furniture store andcame back with a Queen matress, a brown leather chair, and $500 worth of sheets, pillows, comforters and bed spreads. So ever since i started sleeping in the bathtub because i hated sharing a room with Sam, Mom and Dad let me move my bed and dresser into the dogs' room. The bed and the dresser are the onlything that can fit. It's that tiny. It has been a year since I have inheireted the little room. So the parents showed me some love. They said that I could have Sam's room and she could have mine for a year. YES! But that's not the best part!!! I got Mom and Dad's old bed! A full!!! yes!!!!! So that was week 3. Week 4 gets even more interesting. The "week of action", as I call it, started a week ago yesterday. Sam went over to a friend's house to spend the night. So dad and I bought a half gallon of Mint Chip Ice Cream for the 2 of us. MMMM. We finished that. We stayed up late and watched National Treasure Book of Secrets (really good, not that its the first time I saw it, I've seen it before... anyway itis really good). Thursday Sam came home with her friend who spent that night. Then my cousin Andrew, who is included in some of the, ahem, previous posts, came up to spend Saturday night. But we had to get up at 7 the next morning so I could be at Church Sunday for Worship practice. So we were all grumpy. Then he spent the next night into Monday when our old dogs, Cooper and Hunter came up to visit. We gave the boys to a friend mom works with before we went to Florida the first year. So we sorta have joint custody. Cooper and Hunter have a new sister, Luna. So we dogsat for 3 days. when the dogs got there, they produced a toy basketball that Daemon, their owner, started kicking. Iwanted to kick it too. I took a good hard swing with my foot and missed. My foot caught the ground infront of it and my toes went crunch. OWWWW. Mom shrugged it of as a bruise, put some ice on it and
"prescribed" me some motrin.The next morning it was still killing me. And I am not the Drama Queen. That role is saved for Sam. Since mom didnt take me last year when I ended up with biolateral wrist fractures, she decided she better take me. On the way to the clinicwe spotted a sign that said horses for sale. we made a "semi-legal" U-turn and pulled in. The horses look some what good, just lacking weight. We are still thinking about it. When we got to the ER they said that I fractured the growth plate. So if it happened to an adult, they would have sprained it. But since I'm a kid, its broken. They ace wrapped it, put me on crutches and sent me to Ortho. They said the same thing, but they were able to look at my demented pinkie that won't straiten and they said they could fit me into a hand specialist in Albany. So on Wednesday, down to Albany we trecked and he told me that he wanted it splinted in a certian position for 6-8 weeks, then change the splint to a straiter position so eventually it straitens out. But that means no guitar. Ugg. But thats about all thats been happening. I will try to keep up with this blog as often as I can. Hehe, sorry :)


  1. I love reading your posts...however your spelling is...well NOT GOOD!!! Be careful. LOVE YOU!!!! Mom

  2. I am sorry about everything. Have a good life
