Monday, November 16, 2009

O Sick One

Sam has been sick for the past week and bringing misery to me, the poor girl with twice as many chores to do. Just as much drama as mucus and saliva spray was displayed throughout the week as these pictures say:

1 comment:

  1. My poor Sam, I wish i could be around to help but i am stuck in the warmth of Fl. Fishing and sitting down by the water. I know you will take care of your brother Sam, as she took care of you when you broke you arm and she did most of your chores. We are up and about today, The birds and i. Well Rio is in the box, he stays there most the time. He leaves only when Lucy goes in and kicks him out. I guess you dont have the time to e-mail me, but that ok. Miss you. Luv Buddy
