Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Sunsets On The Mountain

Hi, just continuing the fact that I am extremely lucky, just look at this sunset. That isn't even a sunset! It is actually in the direct opposite sky! Up here the sun sets in the east, this picture was taken in the west. It was a coloration mixture of the clouds and sunset in the east. So now you have to agree, who wouldn't want to see a sunset 5 times greater than this picture? As i said before, I am extremely lucky.
Ta Ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I dont know what that is that Sam is doing, is it like a play house for doll,s. ?? Yes, the picture of the backward sunet is so cool. What kind of camera do you have? Or do you use Jens.?
    I gave all the leftover candy to Liz, and the pumpkin container it was in. Did u set your clocks back? Me thinks u pick on Sammi way to much, but its funny, keep it up. Luv U Buddy
