Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Trip

For Christmas every year we go to 2 places. The Sunday before Christmas we go to my mom's brother's house. Which, yes is the house of "pretty boy" (check out post My Cuz) who, if you were unfortunate enough to read the post, gave you all those side effects. Here are some pics of what goes on over there:

This is My Cuz.

This is me trying to beat my record of speed stacks, (currently 63.98 seconds which is an achievement to pat myself on the back for, considering i have no coordination whatsoever)

Man, Andrew, CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!!!!

That's my other cuz, in the background. Quinn. Now forgive me if i am not 100% accurate, I think he's 7 years old.

Okay, I am warning you, This picture is about 100000000 times more scary than the one of My Cuz, and sadly, it is a picture of me.
Alright, prepare yourself for the most embarrassing picture of me that will ever go out on the Internet ever again,
"Sumo Babe"

Merry Christmas All!!!!!!!

And a haaaapppppyyyy neeeewwwww YEARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DA DA DOM.

Ta Ta for now, Syd

Monday, December 14, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

16 days until Christmas, and in this house, the anticipation is building. I asked Ma and Dad if we could have Duck Ala Orange. they said if I helped make it, i could have it. So I get to cook duck!! yea!! I'm excited. I love cooking. There are 2 presents under the tree that were sent in the mail from Wally World. the chimp and I got to wrap them. We are out of scotch tape, so we used medical tape. Very pretty. I just finished watching Julie & Julia the movie. It was really good.
Well gtg

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Cuz

My family and I went to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving. while there, I took of my brand new hat. When we got home, we had a message on our answering machine from my uncle. He asked "Is Syd missing something?" I didn't remember leaving anything there. We called him back and he told my to look at my email. " A picture is worth a thousand words" was the last thing he said before he hung up, and man, was he right


-immiediete vomitting

-eye damage

-brain damage


Ta ta for now! Syd

Christmas Comes to The Rayder Household

Here are some pics of our "Christmas-ized" house.

Of course, we have the Christmas Tree

Next, we have the Nativity that lives under the Tree.
Now, because I can read minds, I know you all will ask, "Where do you put your presents?" And the answer is on the side of the Tree.

And What's Christmas without a Reindeer?

That is all!!! Syd

Monday, November 30, 2009

Groundation Stinks

For all the teens or children who have a hard time listening to your parents, take this piece of advice. Listen and obey immediately without question. Don't tell your parents, or even any adult you would look up to, what your going do, rather suggest. But of course this only applies when it is not being used as an objection.
EX. "Mom, is it all right if I use the computer after you are done with it?" instead of-"Mom, I am going to go on the computer after you." -and the result, groundation.

That is why I have not posted in weeks.
See Ya! Syd

Monday, November 16, 2009

O Sick One

Sam has been sick for the past week and bringing misery to me, the poor girl with twice as many chores to do. Just as much drama as mucus and saliva spray was displayed throughout the week as these pictures say:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sam's Slippery Slide of Slime

Last night Sam went upstairs to brush her teeth before bed. Soon after she got to the top of the stairs we hear "THUMP SWISH THUMP" then "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" "I STEPPED IN PUKE!!!!" "IT'S SQUISHY!!!!" "IT'S GROSS!!!!!!" As mom, dad and I are rolling on the ground in laughter and realization of where Hunter, the dog with a sensitive stomach, had been. Sam cleaned her sopping foot of the source of putrid odor. The pile was a decent size, and being the same color of the rug, was just as good as invisible. Straight through the middle was a streak where Sam's heel slid across the pile of disgust. Fun night for Sam.

The culprit hanging his head in shame.

Ta Ta for now!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aunt Heidi Comes to the Farm

We are dog sitting our friend's 2 yellow labs. My mom's best friend brought up her German Shepard fora play date to the dogs. Here are some pics of them.


pronunciation: (ya-ger)






pronunciation: (hun-tur)



pronunciation: (man-dy)





How many of you have ever had 4 big dogs that can't sort out the pecking order running around your house? You might say "I would just let them outside" except we don't want to be drowned by a title wave brought in by the rain on the dogs constantly shaking bodies. Joy. Fun little visit.

Ta ta for now!


Friday, November 13, 2009

Yesterday, Sam and I went for a ride. We took the horses in the back pastures and jumped over logs and creeks, it was alot of fun. Bareback is the best way to go. It was very cold, as you can see with the layers we have on. Mom snapped this pic when she came out to get the dog.
Well ta ta for now, Syd

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Music Video

I just made a music video of my favorite song with a slide show! See if it works, if it doesn't, I give you permission to yell at me through your comments.

Ta Ta for now!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Sam's Fun Day

THIS IS NOT AN ALIEN!!! This is my sister in pain. Mom gave us highlights in Florida and dad snapped this photo of her. It looks like the poor kid is dying. Appparently mom forget to tell Sam to brush her hair, so when she stuck the little "pull-the-hair-through-the-little-hole" tool through the little hole, "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" was all that could be heard throughout the entire campground. Fun day for Sam.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fish Creek

Again, I was looking through my old picture folders on my laptop, and I found our summer vacation trip we took this year. We went up to a little town cut of from civilization, Fish Creek. Sounds like a highly popularly area, you would think, with a name like Fish Creek, right? The campground we stayed at had a little hardware store up at the front, cute little place. We were meeting our friends there, so we could spend some time with them. So let me stop explaining and post these pictures.

This is me trying to have a nice, relaxing paddle bout ride. Oops... I forget the paddles!



It says "Fish Creek /09"

These pics were all taken before my mom DROPPED THE CAMERA IN THE WATER. Yes she dropped the camera in the water. It still works, but not like it did. That was a fun little episode.

Alright, Ta Ta for now!


What Sam Does With Her Spare Time

Hi again. I was just going through some of my pictures and I saw a group that I think you will enjoy. I really do love my sister and this is not picking on her in any way, but she wanted to be famous.

This is a barbie house. Creative,isn't it?

Shhhhhhhh! I think they're sleeping!

Sam, I really do love you and you wanted to be famous.

Ta Ta for now!

Syd, the great sister.

The Sunsets On The Mountain

Hi, just continuing the fact that I am extremely lucky, just look at this sunset. That isn't even a sunset! It is actually in the direct opposite sky! Up here the sun sets in the east, this picture was taken in the west. It was a coloration mixture of the clouds and sunset in the east. So now you have to agree, who wouldn't want to see a sunset 5 times greater than this picture? As i said before, I am extremely lucky.
Ta Ta for now!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sam's $100,000 AFV Winner

Didn't have a camera handy for the first "roll-on-the-ground-laughing" oppertunity but, i will detail the post just as well as a picture would have done.
My dad is the caretaker of the summer camp down the road, so he is resposible for every thing that goes on. The owner has an old riding lawn mower that dad tried to start. It was a fail. So he drove us down to the camp with him. He brought our riding lawn mower to tow the other mower up to see if he could jump start it. This was about 2 months ago. Since the jump starting didn't work, he decided to keep it in the garage. Well today he wanted to move it up to the upper barn. Conidering I got to sit in the seat of the old riding lawn mower to steer it up to the garage, it was Sam's turn to steer. So dad hooked up the mower to the mower (mind me when i say that it is a rope with a hook on either end very safe right?) and started up the road. As dad turned into the barn driveway, which is sort of a slope, he planned to graduatly turn left and back up the driveway. He figured that the rope would gain slack, but the turn would straiten it out. But Good Old Sam decided not to turn into the turn with dad's mower and just went strait. The hook unclipped and there is Sam screaming "WHICH ONES THE BRAKE!!!! WHICH ONES THE BRAKE!!!!!" then with a giant THUD she hit the barn wall. Tools clattered, barn wall shuddered, and the step off the mower for Sam... lets just say wasnt that graceful. On the ground screaming rolling was Sam shreiking things like "you must hate me" "you didn't tell me were the brake was". And trust me, I am surprised the neighbors didn't call the police. So that was Sam's $100,000 America's Funniest Home Videoes Winner.

Ta Ta for now,
The Teenage Farm Girl

About Me

Good news! i have another hour before i have to feed the animals! so let me tell you a little bit about me.

1. i love my horse steal:

2. i live the North 40 Farm. this includes:

-2 horses

-11 evil chickens

-1 maniac of a dog

-2 boarded llamas(they look really funny)

-oh and i almost forgot, a chimp! Mom and Dad treat her like some kind of child; she has her own room and bed, eats at the table, and even takes care of her personal hygiene! whats really weird is she can talk! Mom "claims" she is my blood sister, but I'm convinced other wise. We call her Sam.

3. I have a spectacular family that i wouldn't trade anything for; even my sister who tolerates me so much even though I pick on her. If she reacted any other way than she does towards my unmerciful teasing, I would be in a hospital, or even my grave. So a special thanks goes to my sister of whom I love and care for so very much. Thank You, Sam.

well Ta ta for now!

The Teenage Farm Girl

My First Post

This is my first post of my new blog. I am very excited to get this opportunity to express my favorite things: writing and photography. You should know the fact that I, as my title states, am a teenage girl who lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I am more lucky than imaniganable, starting with the fact that i am homeschooled. Being homeschooled allows us to morph into snowbirds and fly south for the winter. After New Years some time in the first week of January, we hitch up our 35 ft fifth-wheel and drive the agonizing 32 hours to Tarpon Springs, Florida. My mom is a traveling nurse, so basicly, if she has a contract, we could go to China. But for now, we will stay in the 50 states. we stay in Florida for 4 months, and pack it up in the 2nd week of May. Check out the awsome expierience we get to enjoy every year.

We just got back from a big fishing trip bringing in 43 trout. Local resident of our park has a 17ft fishing boat and lets us go with him on his fishing trips.

I don't like being in front of a camera for to long and this happened to be the 53 picture of the day. Joy. My sister has such a sense of humor, doesn't she?

That is all i have time to post right now, and that is all the Florida pictures i have loaded on to my laptop, but i will have mom email me some of her Florida folders.
Tata for now,
the Teenage Farm Girl