Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Past Few Days

Enjoy these pictures of the activities that took place over the last few days.

This little robin was enjoying a bath in the lake that formed after a torrential downpour.

Behold, I present the Country's Bird, The Bald Eagle. This isn't the best picture, but I garruntee better.

I just thought this was a really pretty cloud/sun scene. I am sappy.

These are the pictures Sam took of me as I was trying to get the FACE CRAYON off.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sleepovers, Boat Rides, and Fish Vertabraes?!?!

The last few days have been, well, weird. And fun, a fun kind of weird. One of the kids in the park slept over last night. The day before that we spent the day at her house painting our faces with face crayon. Now you would think that because it is called "FACE CRAYON" and is made for FACES it wouldn't take the rest of that day and all of the next to get the stupid stuff off. You wouldn't believe the amount of disgusted looks I got. After we finally returned giant whale that covered me eyes and the cute little sting ray on my cheek to the sea, we went out on Mr. Buddy's boat. But while we were docked and waiting for mom, I noticed a little gecko holding onto a stick for dear life not 5 feet of in the ocean. After the current turned the stick so the little head faced me, I put my hand in the water and the cute little thing actually jumped off the stick and started swimming towards my hand. Just then the engine of the boat decided to roar unexpectedly, sending the poor little creature the other way. After the engine died down and the current carried the gecko to the other side of the boat, i tried my technique again. He stopped just out of reach so Mr. Buddy put his cane in the water and the gecko climbed aboard and onto my hand. He stayed on my shirt until we got to they island. We walked the beach. We combed the shores for shells ond creatures until we got tired. We started to head back when dad let out something tha sounded something like the noise a cat would make if a really really really fat person sat on it. He reached for his foot and pulled a very sharp object out of his heel. When we got back to the boat Mr. Buddy who had been enjoying the sun in his chair told us it was a fish vertabrae. How splendid. We have a few native animals that I promise I will put pictures on. That is all for now!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Always Expect the Unexpected

Today started out as an ordinary school day. Dad was doing laundry at the park laundry mat when Mr. Buddy, a local resident, stopped by. He dropped of our mail, which hadn't been checked in days. He left and Dad got back and the short school delay ended. #28. If a = 6 and b = 24 than what is ab? Answer. #29. One more to go. Than I'm done with math. If bc = 142, what is ---- my thoughts where interrupted by the ringing phone. Through the bag Mom digs when the ringing stops. Mom finds the phone and looks at the missed call. It was Mr. Buddy. I told Mom to call him back in case he fell or something. She said she didn't think so but if I wanted to I could. I dialed the phone and got his voicemail. So school went on for about 30 seconds when the phone rang again. I grabbed it and answered. Mr. Buddy. He asked me urgently if Mom was there. I handed it to her and began to worry. Mom being a nurse and he wanting to speak with her immediately, something was up. And after she said "Call the ambulance I'll be right there" out the door we ran. Dad, on his way back from the second trip of laundry was yelled at to " drop everything and go!!" So laundry was scattered all over the road while Mom and Dad ran faster than i have ever seen them run before. I am not going to name names but someone had a stroke. Mom told us to go to Mr. Buddy's and watch TV. When the ambulance got there Mr. Buddy came and told us to get the person's granddaughter. We brought the 3 year old back into Mr. Buddy's house and turned on Dora. The cutie squealed with delight. The girl's dad went to the hospital with his mom. So we got to babysit Cute Little Sarina. We took her and the dog to Fred Howard Park and walked up and down the quarter-mile causeway. We got back and Sarina fell asleep in my arms. Her mom came to pick her up at about 4. We went out with a whole bunch of people to eat. Today was a pretty rough day, but I had a ball playing with Sarina. Do pray for this medical emergency. I have to get of the computer before my sister kills me for her turn. Ta Ta for now!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Everything has a Price

What is wrong with wanting a grilled meal? Dad wants a grilled dinner. Some sort of meat that is grill-able is on sale in some sort of store. Don't ask me where or what kind because I have no clue. There is just one problem. We don't have a grill. A fellow park resident and great friend said he never uses his grill and he would be more than happy to let us use it. So, of course, Mom was at the dog park with Mandy, and Princess was playing Princess with one of her friends. So once again, that left me to the dirty work. We walk the 2 minute walk to his house and start moving bikes and towels out of the way. Sam and Elizabeth show up to watch. When Mr. Buddy took down a towel, behind me I heard a gut-wrenching scream. I look at my feet to see a snake crawling over the tip of my flip flop. It wasn't very big but it still scared the daylight out of me. It was the cutest little thing. It was orange with yellow-like blotches. It was probably a little over a yard long. Mr. Buddy just nudged it with his cane and picked it up with a towel and threw it in the bushes. I guess you just have to pay for everything, one way or another.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh The Joys Of Living

Living in Florida is more of a challenge than you would think. You really only need two tools in life: WD40 and Duct tape. If your beach chair won't recline and should, use WD40. If your tanning lotion has a leak, use the Duct tape. It is a very simple concept. Metaphoric problem hurdles become just another life adjustment.We have encountered some of these sudden jumps in the most unexpected places. My picture heading for instance. This sign appeared in the parking lot of the gorgeous beach, Honeymoon Island. We fear that last year's pleasure will become this year's chore. Really, who wants to lift a lawn chair and drag it the 5 minute walk to the beach? Work, work, work. W-O-R-K. Thrift shops are our shopping sources, besides groceries, of course. In fact, we just bought a forty dollar couch that fits perfectly in our "Florida Room". Dad just got back from Home De-pot with a truck load of $10 dollar plants. The park manager, Ruby, Was throwing away an antique parlor chair that compliments the screen house very nicely. The temporary pets of Florida are scurrying all around. That reminds me, I need to let out poor James before the gecko suffocates. Well he really isn't a gecko, but an aloe. They are like miniature geckos only faster and much more of a pest. They are fun to catch, as long as the give themselves and not just their tail. I have been fortunate enough to avoid taking out the garbage in the morning, but I am not sure how long my luck will last. Really, the last thing you want at 6 O'clock in the morning is to be knocked on your butt by the Two Masked Terrorists. Other wise known as the raccoons. Well we are heading to the beach in a minute so that is all!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 Goals Done

Day #2 in our winter home, and we are pooped. Absolutely, 100% pooped. We have 5 goals that we haveaccomplished.

Goal #1: Get to Florida - check

We got here very safely and disagreement-less. Every car ride longer that an hour, there will always be an argument between the parents. "honey, you were supposed to turn that way!!!" "What are you thinking? We are ten minutes away from the campground, do you have to stop for coffee?!?!?!?!?" But none of that! Hallelujah!! So we suvived.

Goal #2: Say Hi - check
We said hi to every person who is here that we made freinds with lat year. One couple, Kim and Shirley, got here before us. Mind you, we were supposed to leave a day later that we did so half the people weren't expecting us until today. Kim was talking with Dad when we heard him. Mom, Sam and I ran out to give him a hug. He told us to go say hi to Shirley. So sam and i took of like a dog after a squirrel, and knocked on her camper door. Open it swings and a blood curling scream which, I am surprised, you people didn't hear. She ran down the stairs and gave us a squeze-your-guts-out hug.

Goal #3: Unload Truck - check
The truck is completely unpacked. Although, the thing is filthy. And when I say filthy, I mean filthy. One person asked if we got a new truck!!! UGGG!! The tono cover was on the back of the truck so the unloading of the toats was very difficult. And of coarse dad couldn't fit under the cover, Mom was trying to turn on the heat, and Princess didn't want to get dirty. Now, the dog doesn't have fingers so she couldn't do it, so that left me. Joy.

Goal #4: Eat - Check
We went to Winn Dixie and bought frozen TV dinners and mint stuffed oreos. Very healthy right? That was dinner.

Goal #5: Sleep - check
Mom and Dad were pooped, as were me and Sam. We were asleep by 8:00.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Tomorrow!!!! Tomorrow!! I love ya, Tomorrow! You're only a DAY!!! AWAY!!!!! If you don't know what that song is from, you're crazy. But I am so excited!!! Tomorrow at 10:00pm we will leave this house for 4 months. The poor dog is going nuts. Actually, just the opposite. She is drooping her head, ears are always back. This is not good in her situation because she is a spaz normally. Now I know you all have seen the old cartoon Loony Tunes, whether it be the newer or older. Can any of you picture a depressed Taz? This is Mandy. She knows something is up, she just can't figure out what. She sees the boxes and knows that that means car ride, but the fact of where she's going must haunt her. Poor, poor girl. It breaks my heart to see her like this. Well, this is officialy the last post until sometime next week, and I promise pictures. Lots of 'em. 'Till next week!!!! Syd

Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 Days

I am very excited. We have 2 days until we hit the road, and I think the anticipation will kill me first. No more picture posts until i get to Florida, there aren't enough hours in a day. We are almost all packed, still trying to catch up on laundry though. 3 of the 6 cargo totes are already in the back of the truck. How many of you have ridden 32 hours in the back seat of an extended cab with a space-hogger of a dog?? Not fun. Actually it really isn't that bad, as the back seat is a bench seat, so Mandy dens under it. We have a little charger thingy that plugs into the power port, so we use that to plug the laptop charger into and we watch movies all the way down. We are stopping in Georgia to see Pastor's daughter and her family. From there we will go strait to the campground. I can't wait. But the fact I can't play the beloved game "ninja" for 4 months haunts my dreams. I am an emotional wreck, and that stupid sinus cold doesn't help the matter at all. A quick shout out to my Dad's cousin. He and his newly wed got in a huge care accident. He is alright, just a badly broken arm. But Ashley on the other hand, has a crushed pelvis and I think a broken spine. She will probably live but they don't now what kind of brain damage the wreck did. Keep them in your hopes and prayers. Alrighty, well this might be the last post untill we get settled in Florida, so until then Bye!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jumping and Crying

Who knew that dreams could effect everyday life? Well, I sorta did, but not like this. We were sitting on the couch like a normal family, while discussing what Oh Princess was to bring for entertainment in the truck for the agonizing 32 hour drive to Florida. All of a sudden mom stands up and says "Oh my goodness! I dreamt this conversation!!! Only, instead of leaving on Sunday at 6:00, we left today!!!" Dad stood up and said, "Than why don't we?" Mom replied, "Because we don't want to be out in the middle of the highway pushing the truck because we ran out of gas. I don't save people's lives for no reason." Yet that wasn't enough for Dad. " Than we will pick you up from work Saturday and beat rush hour as well as an extra day of sun." So it was decided. We are now leaving for Florida at 11:00 PM on Saturday the 9th. I will miss friends and family, but I am psyched. I can't make up my mind!! You can have mixed emotions, can't you?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Am Tired

How many viewers are cat-lovers? Do not be offended by this, but I really do not like cats. And I can guarantee that you won't either if your barn cat climbed up 2 stories to claw and yowl at your window like some possessed Romeo. Now, I guess that wouldn't be a reason to flip your opinion of cats if you need a laugh while your getting ready for bed. But when you are unwakable, practically comatose, at 2:00 in the morning, especially if you are me and don't like being woken up, this is not a pleasant surprise. I was not happy. In fact, i was about to rip the head off the stupid kitty. I had just been able to fall asleep after thousands of cough spasms, not to mention milions of trips to the basement to replace several tissue boxes as my nose didn't like me. So not the best time to wake the sleeping bear, Cat.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Poor Dog

No one realizes how much of a child my mother is, while she is near her "Baby. Poor Mandy. No offence, Mom, I do love you but these pictures are so priceless. And I am getting yelled at by Sam for the fact that I never make fun of anyone but her. So, Ma, please laugh along with the rest of us.

Get them off. Please.

Maybe if I don't look at the camera she'll stop.

Okay, now I'm just plain annoyed.

I hope you have pitty on this poor dog.

That's all for now, folks!!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Spectacular Trip

As most of you know, I recently got back from my trip to Baltimore, Mary-land. Now, if my blog is popular, there may be strangers who are reading this (I highly doubt it). So for you guys, I will explain. Lovemercy, the name of the convention, is a get-to-gether, up on the farm we call it a "hootenanny", with some of the Wesleyan youth groups around the area. There were 4 this year, one in Baltimore, for the north eastern country. One was in Charlotte, for south eastern. Another was in Denver, for the Wild, Wild West, and the other one was in the Land of Unknown, as I have know idea were they Central hosted theirs'. I know that we had the least amount of company in the audience as the other 3, but it still gets you when you see 850 teenagers expressing their love for God. I want to say thank you, people, who either is family, or is really really close, for letting me come over and work for you. Your contributions were greatly appreciated. Thank you others, if there are any of you, for your thoughts and prayers, as I got in a few "why am I here" moments and it was good to know that I had all your support.
Words cannot describe my feelings, but I will try not to break the computer by crying to much as I recall the trip.
Tuesday, we had an assignment, we had to "Give Back to Baltimore" and act justly to the community. Out of the 29 people that went, 14 went out on the streets, me included. Our goal was to help the homeless by buying 20 cheeseburgers (thanks Micky-D's) and we each had a little New Testament pocket bible. So we were giving out Burgers n' Bibles. Catchy, ain't it? We passed a bunch of strikers and didn't think anything of it. We kept going, unfortunately, down into the Red-light district. Being the youngest, several occasions I had a few hands slapped over my eyes as we passed. We found one homeless guy who was shivering. So we gave him a burger and a bible. He was very grateful and said "thank you, God Bless" numerous times. We kept walking. And walking. And walking. finally we decided they were all at some "Hobo Hideout" so we headed back. We found ourselves back at the strikers'. So we thought maybe God put us here for a reason. So we pulled aside a man and asked him what they were doing. He told us they were protesting about something that I can't remember. Don't worry, I know am 100% embarrassed because today at church as I was saying my part in the trip, i forgot in front of 100 people. Real good for my image I know. So by chance, if there are any of my fellow teens and/or leaders who are reading this, could you leave a comment? Please? And for those who want to know what they were protesting about, check out the comments. Now back to the story. So we told him that we had 19 burgers that we wanted to give away as well as 13 bibles. He held up the bag of burgers and shouted "WE'RE EATIN' TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!" There were maybe 10, 15 people, and out of that i heard one "BURGER!!!!" and the rest were all "BIBLE!!!!" so I found it cool that they weren't hungry for burgers, but bibles.

Well thank you for falling asleep of boredom, and for your support. So Ta Ta for now!!!! Syd

Friday, January 1, 2010

How You Know When to go to Florida

Sometimes God uses things to give you signs. Sometimes the things you do give you hints on your next step in life. In my case, actions can result in How You Know When to go to Florida.

You know you need to go to Florida when:

- after 3 days of negative temperatures, your sister comes in and says, "HOLY COW!!! WE'RE HAVING A WARM SPELL!!!!! IT'S 10 DEGREES!!!!!"

-Your daily goal is to expand this:

-when your dog gets blown into a snowbank form a gust of wind

-when you find yourself on the floor balling your eyes out because the hot chocolate packs are gone and you are freezing your butt off

These are some signs of when you should morph into snowbirds and fly south for the winter.

Ta Ta for now!! Syd