Saturday, January 16, 2010

Everything has a Price

What is wrong with wanting a grilled meal? Dad wants a grilled dinner. Some sort of meat that is grill-able is on sale in some sort of store. Don't ask me where or what kind because I have no clue. There is just one problem. We don't have a grill. A fellow park resident and great friend said he never uses his grill and he would be more than happy to let us use it. So, of course, Mom was at the dog park with Mandy, and Princess was playing Princess with one of her friends. So once again, that left me to the dirty work. We walk the 2 minute walk to his house and start moving bikes and towels out of the way. Sam and Elizabeth show up to watch. When Mr. Buddy took down a towel, behind me I heard a gut-wrenching scream. I look at my feet to see a snake crawling over the tip of my flip flop. It wasn't very big but it still scared the daylight out of me. It was the cutest little thing. It was orange with yellow-like blotches. It was probably a little over a yard long. Mr. Buddy just nudged it with his cane and picked it up with a towel and threw it in the bushes. I guess you just have to pay for everything, one way or another.

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