Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Spectacular Trip

As most of you know, I recently got back from my trip to Baltimore, Mary-land. Now, if my blog is popular, there may be strangers who are reading this (I highly doubt it). So for you guys, I will explain. Lovemercy, the name of the convention, is a get-to-gether, up on the farm we call it a "hootenanny", with some of the Wesleyan youth groups around the area. There were 4 this year, one in Baltimore, for the north eastern country. One was in Charlotte, for south eastern. Another was in Denver, for the Wild, Wild West, and the other one was in the Land of Unknown, as I have know idea were they Central hosted theirs'. I know that we had the least amount of company in the audience as the other 3, but it still gets you when you see 850 teenagers expressing their love for God. I want to say thank you, people, who either is family, or is really really close, for letting me come over and work for you. Your contributions were greatly appreciated. Thank you others, if there are any of you, for your thoughts and prayers, as I got in a few "why am I here" moments and it was good to know that I had all your support.
Words cannot describe my feelings, but I will try not to break the computer by crying to much as I recall the trip.
Tuesday, we had an assignment, we had to "Give Back to Baltimore" and act justly to the community. Out of the 29 people that went, 14 went out on the streets, me included. Our goal was to help the homeless by buying 20 cheeseburgers (thanks Micky-D's) and we each had a little New Testament pocket bible. So we were giving out Burgers n' Bibles. Catchy, ain't it? We passed a bunch of strikers and didn't think anything of it. We kept going, unfortunately, down into the Red-light district. Being the youngest, several occasions I had a few hands slapped over my eyes as we passed. We found one homeless guy who was shivering. So we gave him a burger and a bible. He was very grateful and said "thank you, God Bless" numerous times. We kept walking. And walking. And walking. finally we decided they were all at some "Hobo Hideout" so we headed back. We found ourselves back at the strikers'. So we thought maybe God put us here for a reason. So we pulled aside a man and asked him what they were doing. He told us they were protesting about something that I can't remember. Don't worry, I know am 100% embarrassed because today at church as I was saying my part in the trip, i forgot in front of 100 people. Real good for my image I know. So by chance, if there are any of my fellow teens and/or leaders who are reading this, could you leave a comment? Please? And for those who want to know what they were protesting about, check out the comments. Now back to the story. So we told him that we had 19 burgers that we wanted to give away as well as 13 bibles. He held up the bag of burgers and shouted "WE'RE EATIN' TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!" There were maybe 10, 15 people, and out of that i heard one "BURGER!!!!" and the rest were all "BIBLE!!!!" so I found it cool that they weren't hungry for burgers, but bibles.

Well thank you for falling asleep of boredom, and for your support. So Ta Ta for now!!!! Syd


  1. the people that were out protesting were protesting because the buildin that they were in front of would not hire them. they were not mad about the fact that they would't hire them but why they wouldn't get hired. The building hired illegal Aliens(no not the little green men but the people who come into the countrie illegaly)so they could pay them less. By the way we had 19 people not 29. The guy who was shivering was shaking because he had consumed cocain lately. It was very cooooooool when all the people took the bibles. see u wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

  2. Well, that was the most boreing of all your Blogs, but than goodness for Matthew, he cleared it up for me and the rest, but you are 12 and have a lot to learn, but you will be a teenager
    this year, dont push it. All in all, i as i always do love your blog. Thanks

  3. hey syd i love the summo picture in the other entrie. Im sorry but that stye is only good on the wrestling mats or in china.:-)
