Friday, January 1, 2010

How You Know When to go to Florida

Sometimes God uses things to give you signs. Sometimes the things you do give you hints on your next step in life. In my case, actions can result in How You Know When to go to Florida.

You know you need to go to Florida when:

- after 3 days of negative temperatures, your sister comes in and says, "HOLY COW!!! WE'RE HAVING A WARM SPELL!!!!! IT'S 10 DEGREES!!!!!"

-Your daily goal is to expand this:

-when your dog gets blown into a snowbank form a gust of wind

-when you find yourself on the floor balling your eyes out because the hot chocolate packs are gone and you are freezing your butt off

These are some signs of when you should morph into snowbirds and fly south for the winter.

Ta Ta for now!! Syd

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