Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 Goals Done

Day #2 in our winter home, and we are pooped. Absolutely, 100% pooped. We have 5 goals that we haveaccomplished.

Goal #1: Get to Florida - check

We got here very safely and disagreement-less. Every car ride longer that an hour, there will always be an argument between the parents. "honey, you were supposed to turn that way!!!" "What are you thinking? We are ten minutes away from the campground, do you have to stop for coffee?!?!?!?!?" But none of that! Hallelujah!! So we suvived.

Goal #2: Say Hi - check
We said hi to every person who is here that we made freinds with lat year. One couple, Kim and Shirley, got here before us. Mind you, we were supposed to leave a day later that we did so half the people weren't expecting us until today. Kim was talking with Dad when we heard him. Mom, Sam and I ran out to give him a hug. He told us to go say hi to Shirley. So sam and i took of like a dog after a squirrel, and knocked on her camper door. Open it swings and a blood curling scream which, I am surprised, you people didn't hear. She ran down the stairs and gave us a squeze-your-guts-out hug.

Goal #3: Unload Truck - check
The truck is completely unpacked. Although, the thing is filthy. And when I say filthy, I mean filthy. One person asked if we got a new truck!!! UGGG!! The tono cover was on the back of the truck so the unloading of the toats was very difficult. And of coarse dad couldn't fit under the cover, Mom was trying to turn on the heat, and Princess didn't want to get dirty. Now, the dog doesn't have fingers so she couldn't do it, so that left me. Joy.

Goal #4: Eat - Check
We went to Winn Dixie and bought frozen TV dinners and mint stuffed oreos. Very healthy right? That was dinner.

Goal #5: Sleep - check
Mom and Dad were pooped, as were me and Sam. We were asleep by 8:00.

1 comment:

  1. We are all glad you and yours made it safe to FL and to your winter home, it has been dull with you away. I am waiting for you to come past walking Mandy, but it is 1730 and i am thinking we (Rio and Lucy, Me wont see you tonight. Well there is always tomorrow, right Matthew??
    Night kid
