Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 Days

I am very excited. We have 2 days until we hit the road, and I think the anticipation will kill me first. No more picture posts until i get to Florida, there aren't enough hours in a day. We are almost all packed, still trying to catch up on laundry though. 3 of the 6 cargo totes are already in the back of the truck. How many of you have ridden 32 hours in the back seat of an extended cab with a space-hogger of a dog?? Not fun. Actually it really isn't that bad, as the back seat is a bench seat, so Mandy dens under it. We have a little charger thingy that plugs into the power port, so we use that to plug the laptop charger into and we watch movies all the way down. We are stopping in Georgia to see Pastor's daughter and her family. From there we will go strait to the campground. I can't wait. But the fact I can't play the beloved game "ninja" for 4 months haunts my dreams. I am an emotional wreck, and that stupid sinus cold doesn't help the matter at all. A quick shout out to my Dad's cousin. He and his newly wed got in a huge care accident. He is alright, just a badly broken arm. But Ashley on the other hand, has a crushed pelvis and I think a broken spine. She will probably live but they don't now what kind of brain damage the wreck did. Keep them in your hopes and prayers. Alrighty, well this might be the last post untill we get settled in Florida, so until then Bye!!!!

1 comment:

  1. sorry i wrote "they don't now" when it is "they don't know"
