Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sleepovers, Boat Rides, and Fish Vertabraes?!?!

The last few days have been, well, weird. And fun, a fun kind of weird. One of the kids in the park slept over last night. The day before that we spent the day at her house painting our faces with face crayon. Now you would think that because it is called "FACE CRAYON" and is made for FACES it wouldn't take the rest of that day and all of the next to get the stupid stuff off. You wouldn't believe the amount of disgusted looks I got. After we finally returned giant whale that covered me eyes and the cute little sting ray on my cheek to the sea, we went out on Mr. Buddy's boat. But while we were docked and waiting for mom, I noticed a little gecko holding onto a stick for dear life not 5 feet of in the ocean. After the current turned the stick so the little head faced me, I put my hand in the water and the cute little thing actually jumped off the stick and started swimming towards my hand. Just then the engine of the boat decided to roar unexpectedly, sending the poor little creature the other way. After the engine died down and the current carried the gecko to the other side of the boat, i tried my technique again. He stopped just out of reach so Mr. Buddy put his cane in the water and the gecko climbed aboard and onto my hand. He stayed on my shirt until we got to they island. We walked the beach. We combed the shores for shells ond creatures until we got tired. We started to head back when dad let out something tha sounded something like the noise a cat would make if a really really really fat person sat on it. He reached for his foot and pulled a very sharp object out of his heel. When we got back to the boat Mr. Buddy who had been enjoying the sun in his chair told us it was a fish vertabrae. How splendid. We have a few native animals that I promise I will put pictures on. That is all for now!!!

1 comment:

  1. that was good squid, to the point , interresting,
    id write more, but i am so tired. Night, love you
