Friday, January 8, 2010


Tomorrow!!!! Tomorrow!! I love ya, Tomorrow! You're only a DAY!!! AWAY!!!!! If you don't know what that song is from, you're crazy. But I am so excited!!! Tomorrow at 10:00pm we will leave this house for 4 months. The poor dog is going nuts. Actually, just the opposite. She is drooping her head, ears are always back. This is not good in her situation because she is a spaz normally. Now I know you all have seen the old cartoon Loony Tunes, whether it be the newer or older. Can any of you picture a depressed Taz? This is Mandy. She knows something is up, she just can't figure out what. She sees the boxes and knows that that means car ride, but the fact of where she's going must haunt her. Poor, poor girl. It breaks my heart to see her like this. Well, this is officialy the last post until sometime next week, and I promise pictures. Lots of 'em. 'Till next week!!!! Syd

1 comment:

  1. I will have bones waiting for Mandy and a big welcome back gift waiting for you girls, and mabey your dad, you guys do share dont you.?
    I tried to get on M.W. blog and tell him a secert
    but i am blocked?? Good for u squid. Mandy will
    be happy when she gets in the truck.I am haveing the paper deliverd to your dad for 5 months, just incase. haha. See you in 48 hours. Buddy
