Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Always Expect the Unexpected

Today started out as an ordinary school day. Dad was doing laundry at the park laundry mat when Mr. Buddy, a local resident, stopped by. He dropped of our mail, which hadn't been checked in days. He left and Dad got back and the short school delay ended. #28. If a = 6 and b = 24 than what is ab? Answer. #29. One more to go. Than I'm done with math. If bc = 142, what is ---- my thoughts where interrupted by the ringing phone. Through the bag Mom digs when the ringing stops. Mom finds the phone and looks at the missed call. It was Mr. Buddy. I told Mom to call him back in case he fell or something. She said she didn't think so but if I wanted to I could. I dialed the phone and got his voicemail. So school went on for about 30 seconds when the phone rang again. I grabbed it and answered. Mr. Buddy. He asked me urgently if Mom was there. I handed it to her and began to worry. Mom being a nurse and he wanting to speak with her immediately, something was up. And after she said "Call the ambulance I'll be right there" out the door we ran. Dad, on his way back from the second trip of laundry was yelled at to " drop everything and go!!" So laundry was scattered all over the road while Mom and Dad ran faster than i have ever seen them run before. I am not going to name names but someone had a stroke. Mom told us to go to Mr. Buddy's and watch TV. When the ambulance got there Mr. Buddy came and told us to get the person's granddaughter. We brought the 3 year old back into Mr. Buddy's house and turned on Dora. The cutie squealed with delight. The girl's dad went to the hospital with his mom. So we got to babysit Cute Little Sarina. We took her and the dog to Fred Howard Park and walked up and down the quarter-mile causeway. We got back and Sarina fell asleep in my arms. Her mom came to pick her up at about 4. We went out with a whole bunch of people to eat. Today was a pretty rough day, but I had a ball playing with Sarina. Do pray for this medical emergency. I have to get of the computer before my sister kills me for her turn. Ta Ta for now!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so great that you were all there at that time, at that place. I love your servant hearts - and how you willingly cared for Sarina that day - even though you probably would have RATHER done more math... :)
