Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh The Joys Of Living

Living in Florida is more of a challenge than you would think. You really only need two tools in life: WD40 and Duct tape. If your beach chair won't recline and should, use WD40. If your tanning lotion has a leak, use the Duct tape. It is a very simple concept. Metaphoric problem hurdles become just another life adjustment.We have encountered some of these sudden jumps in the most unexpected places. My picture heading for instance. This sign appeared in the parking lot of the gorgeous beach, Honeymoon Island. We fear that last year's pleasure will become this year's chore. Really, who wants to lift a lawn chair and drag it the 5 minute walk to the beach? Work, work, work. W-O-R-K. Thrift shops are our shopping sources, besides groceries, of course. In fact, we just bought a forty dollar couch that fits perfectly in our "Florida Room". Dad just got back from Home De-pot with a truck load of $10 dollar plants. The park manager, Ruby, Was throwing away an antique parlor chair that compliments the screen house very nicely. The temporary pets of Florida are scurrying all around. That reminds me, I need to let out poor James before the gecko suffocates. Well he really isn't a gecko, but an aloe. They are like miniature geckos only faster and much more of a pest. They are fun to catch, as long as the give themselves and not just their tail. I have been fortunate enough to avoid taking out the garbage in the morning, but I am not sure how long my luck will last. Really, the last thing you want at 6 O'clock in the morning is to be knocked on your butt by the Two Masked Terrorists. Other wise known as the raccoons. Well we are heading to the beach in a minute so that is all!!!!

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