Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jumping and Crying

Who knew that dreams could effect everyday life? Well, I sorta did, but not like this. We were sitting on the couch like a normal family, while discussing what Oh Princess was to bring for entertainment in the truck for the agonizing 32 hour drive to Florida. All of a sudden mom stands up and says "Oh my goodness! I dreamt this conversation!!! Only, instead of leaving on Sunday at 6:00, we left today!!!" Dad stood up and said, "Than why don't we?" Mom replied, "Because we don't want to be out in the middle of the highway pushing the truck because we ran out of gas. I don't save people's lives for no reason." Yet that wasn't enough for Dad. " Than we will pick you up from work Saturday and beat rush hour as well as an extra day of sun." So it was decided. We are now leaving for Florida at 11:00 PM on Saturday the 9th. I will miss friends and family, but I am psyched. I can't make up my mind!! You can have mixed emotions, can't you?


  1. It seems a long time coming with all the talk of FL your mom does. Have a fun time and don't grow up too much while you're gone!
